Take planned steps to mitigate risk.

Make decisions with your future goals in mind through carefully crafted risk management strategies and risk retention insurance.

Paint the full picture of your organization's risk.

Looking to mitigate - and even reduce - the threat of rising costs in the market? Gregory & Appel can help with tailored risk retention strategies for insurance.

Unparalleled Experience

Since 1884, our clients have leveraged our knowledge of risk management, carrier partnerships and independent nature to make smarter decisions.

Flexible Strategies

Create an adaptable risk management plan that not only meets your unique priorities, but also your needs, budget and company size.

Safety Consulting and Training

Decrease your overall risk of loss-related costs by educating your team through interactive, engaging programs on topics from general to cyber liability.

Bolster your company’s bottom line.

With the right risk management strategy in place, you can paint a full picture of what future success looks like. Our services include:

  • OSHA Compliance Counseling
  • Risk Management Information Systems & Analytics
  • DOT and Fleet Safety Consulting
  • Online Certificate of Insurance Management
  • Catastrophe Planning & Response
  • Education & Resources