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Published January 21, 2019

Statement of Support for Indiana Hate Crimes Legislation

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Dan Appel, Chairman & CEO and Andrew Appel, President —

As lifelong Hoosiers, we are proud of the diversity of our community, but we are simultaneously disheartened that we are 1 of only 5 states to not protect all our residents from crimes motivated by hate due to traits such as race, religion and sexual orientation.

We are encouraged by the movement of Indiana business and community groups joining forces to urge the Indiana General Assembly to adopt a state hate crimes law.  Gregory & Appel is joining this effort and proudly expressing our support of this much-needed legislation.

Our commitment to our clients, colleagues and community means our support for strong hate crimes legislation is non-optional.  We are hopeful that our state’s future will include strong bias crimes legislation that will allow us to join the other 45 states that have such protection.

To learn more and support this change, visit